Sunday, June 17, 2007


Yesterday we went to Tonniece's daughters Cory for her girls
birthday party.. It was a beautiful day, she lives in the country
on a large property. They have 4 HUGH trees beside the house.
They had the table set out there for us. There was a beautiful
breeze blowing keeping us cool and out of that nasty glaring sun:):)
Tonniece was painting faces, they had tattoo's for them also..
They have a above ground pool. Taylor is 11 and Kendra is 6
so the children were a mix of ages..
Cory did a fabulous job with the party, it was so organized we
heard no crying, screaming, whining, just lots of laughter..
She had all sorts of games to play
different times for the kids in the pool while others were playing the
games, tons of prizes..We all had a fantastic time..
I love kids and don't often get to be around them, I'm sure I had as
much fun a the kids did..
The night before I whipped up 2 gifts, I took 2 potato chip cans and
personalized them, they are to hold pen and pencils.. Pics below..
What a wonderful day I had....
Tonnice will be puttin pics of the party later


platitudinal said...

Oh, I can't wait to see the pictures. Cory must be an excellent party planner. It sounded like an awesome and super fun gathering!

Tonniece said...

Talking to Corrine today, and the girls love the gifts you made them. I do too.
Thanks for comeing and helping to make the day so special Dianne.

Carol said...

The gifts you made are just lovely. I bet they were well received.

Digitalgran said...

I hope the children enjoyed the party half as much as you did Dianne! They must have loved their gifts. My granchildren love gifts and cards that I have made specially for them.

Digitalgran said...

Hi Dianne. I have been using transfer paints for a long time and they
give me so much pleasure, as you say, magical. I do have the liquids,
but personally prefer the powders.
Have to reply on your blog as I don't know your email address.