Tuesday, August 22, 2006

After lunch I ask rita what was that pic on her wall. She says oh I finally got the patterns to make them out of real butterfy wings. Her and her husband would pick them up on the side of the road. I guess a lot go to the island then die there, end of there journey. You have to clean the wings because they have little bugs who live on them so you use lestoil to sanitize them, you have to brush them very carefuly. Posted by Picasa


Tonniece said...

Do you ever wonder how people think up these wonderful and interest things to do with art. In my wildest dreams I don't think I would have thought to use wings, and certainly not to make something like this.
There's that talent gene again.
Just beautiful.


platitudinal said...

I can only imagine that butterfly's wings are fragile. Such care and thought, not to mention skill, go to this art piece. Breathtaking!