Love, emotions, and relationships fill your days. You are constantly thinking about others, especially the ones you love. Others consider you a romantic and a fool. You give yourself to others, but don't give too much, even the breadmaker must eat.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Well it was Fri. and we desided to go see my DC on Manituolin Island, when you head out on hyway 6 the scenery is just so awsome, I never get tired of seeing it, you find new sites every time..
Love these rocks..
Were almost there..
Were here, there is the swing bridge.. It clodes every hour for 15min to let the boats in and out. Its not very wide so traffic can only go one way at a time..
AHHH Little Current first town you see when you get to the Island, if you go to the pier you can see million dollar yatchs.. Awsome.. PS also they have a ice cream shop where the ice cream is to die for made right on the Island.. You can't miss it there are 3 cows out front..
This is what the bridge attaches to when It swings open to let the large boats in..
My DB stopped for some window was so I had to get out and take a few pics . Love the Totam poles
The eagle
The bear
Not sure but I think this represents the whale.
We were just around the corner from Ritas house soooo I had put my camera in it case and me on nature watch dha... There was a dae with three fawns right beside the road.. OH MAN by the time I got the camera out, they were back at the tree line, so only got a glimse of them waaaa!!! NEVER PUT THE CAMERA AWAY.....
Darn I only had a couple more pics of my trip to Manitoulin Island and blogger said no more pics.. WHAT 57 is too much LOL.. More tomorrow see you then. I have only one more set of pics of my DS cottage to put on then holiday pics finished. That might be good news for some of you but I wanted to show all to DS Sandy in England and hope she can join us next year..
I think this is my favorite pic, well I think :):)
Nice back yard, lovely deck with a hot tub in the right hand corner, Think of sitting there in the night looking up at the stars. A little bit of paradise..
This is beside the back porch, last year it had a pond in it, but Rita said lovely pond but then we got frogs nice, but that brought the SNAKES so the pond is gone ::):)
This is the driveway up to the house, so lovely.
Finally got him on the feeder..
A close up on the hummer...
I went for a walk by myself in the forrest behind their house, wanted to get a few pics.. If I lived here all I would need is a good camera and take pics all over this amazing Island...
Do you hear a tree when it falls in the forest, sure looks pretty...
I have been on a spritual journey all my life. Wondering who I am, why I am here..
I now know, I AM, the observer of my life.
I was here all the time :)..
My journey now is to BE in the moment.
living in the present moment.
Getting to know the ESSENCE
of my self...
Step out boldly on the road and combat gloom with all your might.. Help others with a heavier load for those in their light!" *Earle Douglas
I was a institutional cook for 25 years and now am playing with my muse.... I am a mixed media artist and love to take photos. I was a Scottish Lady and a Chinese Princess :) in my other lives. These influence my life today.. I love to travel the UK is my favorite place to go.. So please have a look around, I hope you enjoy yourself... ALL MY PICS CAN BE ENLARGED IF YOU CLICK ON THEM....... E Mail
I just finally found my song..
Thanks to my little sis Luci..
I am round. Round is me.
If it is not round. It is not me.
My face is round.
My cheeks are round.
The tip of my nose is round,
so are my eyes.
I have a round chin.
My tummy is round,
so are my toes.
I’m just happy that my feet are not round.
It would be tough to find round shoes.
I love it..
Its so me LOLThanks Luci.......